Wednesday 26 June 2019

6 Biggest Side-effects Of Smartphones.

     We all loves our smart phones and Many of us are addicted to our phones.
We only see, Its benefits.
Do you know?
Harms of smart phones, and its dark side.
Each smart phone user Need, To Know-

This is series and important topic.
     In many researches, Researchers found- By using smart phone for a long time, a sharp bone grows on the back of heads and it is look like a horn.

     To prove it, Doctors do some x-rays of mobile addicted persons. And they found a bone on the back of their head.

     Peoples see only, The uses of the smart phones and ignore their side effects. We all need to know about it, Lets see some side effect of smart phones-

1. Smart Phone Cause Many Diseases-

     Smart Phone emits radiations and we all know they are very dangerous for us. Our body absorb some part of radiations and this is not good for us.

Mobile Phone has more germs and bacteria then a toilet seat.
    We use smart phone almost on all the places and germs of that place are collected on our phone. We don't clean our phone regularly and many times you use it while then bacteria can enter in your body and You may get diseases.

2. Eye Damage -

    All the devices ( T.V., Mobiles & Computers) projects blue light in our eyes and Blue light is very dangerous for our eyes.
If you use these devices in dark areas or at night for a long time, Then it will definitely affect your eyesight.
And it is also responsible for Dark Circles.

3. Less Sleep And  Study Distractions -

Blue light of Mobile phone are responsible for lack of sleep. Mostly young generation and mobile addicted peoples are suffering from Lack of sleep.
If you take less sleep, Then you feel lazy in the morning and if you are a student, Then it is very difficult for you to focus in studies.
   You are easily distracted by smart phones because, Your brain need comfort and rest and you spend your study time on mobile phones.

4. Nomophobia -

This is a diseases or a name given to those peoples who are addicted badly, from smart phones.
They can't live without their phone, They are very sensitive for their phone and, This is a disease.
Mostly, Young generation is suffering from this problem because, They are addicted to it.

5. Hearing Loss-

     All the smart phone users loves music, and they use headphones with high volume to listen music.
If you use headphones for a long time at high volume, This will definitely lead to some hearing issues.
You phone give you warning,

 When we cross safe sound limit But, we ignore it.
We love to listen music at high volume. This will affect our hearing.

     You can notice some other issues after using smart phone for a long time.
Back pain, Neck pain & head ace.

If we use our Smart phones in a limit then they are helpful for us.
   If we cross the limit, they will harm us mentally and physically.
So, It is completely depends on you, How you will use them.


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