Tuesday 8 October 2019

Tuesday 2 July 2019

Gorilla Glass? Explained...

Do you think your phone need a screen protecter. Your phone manufacturer already give you protection of Gorilla Glass

Wednesday 26 June 2019

6 Biggest Side-effects Of Smartphones.

     We all loves our smart phones and Many of us are addicted to our phones.
We only see, Its benefits.
Do you know?
Harms of smart phones, and its dark side.
Each smart phone user Need, To Know-

This is series and important topic.
     In many researches, Researchers found- By using smart phone for a long time, a sharp bone grows on the back of heads and it is look like a horn.

     To prove it, Doctors do some x-rays of mobile addicted persons. And they found a bone on the back of their head.

     Peoples see only, The uses of the smart phones and ignore their side effects. We all need to know about it, Lets see some side effect of smart phones-

1. Smart Phone Cause Many Diseases-

     Smart Phone emits radiations and we all know they are very dangerous for us. Our body absorb some part of radiations and this is not good for us.

Mobile Phone has more germs and bacteria then a toilet seat.
    We use smart phone almost on all the places and germs of that place are collected on our phone. We don't clean our phone regularly and many times you use it while then bacteria can enter in your body and You may get diseases.

2. Eye Damage -

    All the devices ( T.V., Mobiles & Computers) projects blue light in our eyes and Blue light is very dangerous for our eyes.
If you use these devices in dark areas or at night for a long time, Then it will definitely affect your eyesight.
And it is also responsible for Dark Circles.

3. Less Sleep And  Study Distractions -

Blue light of Mobile phone are responsible for lack of sleep. Mostly young generation and mobile addicted peoples are suffering from Lack of sleep.
If you take less sleep, Then you feel lazy in the morning and if you are a student, Then it is very difficult for you to focus in studies.
   You are easily distracted by smart phones because, Your brain need comfort and rest and you spend your study time on mobile phones.

4. Nomophobia -

This is a diseases or a name given to those peoples who are addicted badly, from smart phones.
They can't live without their phone, They are very sensitive for their phone and, This is a disease.
Mostly, Young generation is suffering from this problem because, They are addicted to it.

5. Hearing Loss-

     All the smart phone users loves music, and they use headphones with high volume to listen music.
If you use headphones for a long time at high volume, This will definitely lead to some hearing issues.
You phone give you warning,

 When we cross safe sound limit But, we ignore it.
We love to listen music at high volume. This will affect our hearing.

     You can notice some other issues after using smart phone for a long time.
Back pain, Neck pain & head ace.

If we use our Smart phones in a limit then they are helpful for us.
   If we cross the limit, they will harm us mentally and physically.
So, It is completely depends on you, How you will use them.


Sunday 23 June 2019

Fast Charging? Explained...

     You all know, Fast charging in our phones is available from 5-6 years. Before this technology, Our phones takes a lot of time(3-4 hours)to charge. So, their charging speed is very slow.
     Today, We spend our most of the time on phone and battery consumption of our phone is increased.

   We need to charge our phone fastly to use it again.
   So, Fast charging is developed, And it works on a simple concept.

  Your charger have to supply more power to the phone and your phone will handle it and battery of your phone is charged.
  This is not as so simple.
     If your does not support fast charging and you try to charge it with a fast caharger, Then you have to face problems in your device. To prevent this problem fast chargers provide power to your phone, which your phone can handle easily.

   All the fast chargers of different brands work on this concept.


     If you use a fast charger then, It is necessary to use an appropriate quality charging cable.
If quality of cable is not good and you supply more current from it, The charging cable can't handle it and may be your cable burn.

   If you charge your phone fastly then heat is despite from. You can notice, Your phone become warm when you use fast charger
(Because it's heat efficiency is not 100%,  While transferring energy,  some amount of electrical energy convert into heat)

If your battery temperature is increase, it will affect your battery life.
This is very convenient way to charge your phone.

 Many companies claim that their charger can charge  0-50% in 30 minutes-

   If you charge your phone from zero it takes less time to charge.
   If it start charging from 50-60%, Then it will take more time.
    When charge in the battery increase its charging speed decrease.

   Today, Cell phone manufacturer are trying to make a charger which can charge your phone in 1or2 minutes.
It can possible when-

  • We deliver more power.
  • Internal circuit of phone and battery can handle the power and absorb it.


Tuesday 18 June 2019

Wireless Charger? Explained...

Today, Wireless charging is very commonly used in mobile phones.


     You definitely heard about Nikola Tesla,  He is a great scientist. The concept of wireless charging is introduced by Tesla in 1902.
     He couldn't convert this idea in reality, Because he has very low budget.
     After many researches, Now we can see wireless charging in our phones.

Many peoples thinks, That Samsung introduced wireless charging in their phones.
     It is not true, A company Palm introduced wireless charging in their phones.(They introduced this, 10 years before Samsung)

  • How wireless charging works?
  • Do all the phones support wireless charging?

Wireless Changing:-

There are two concepts of wireless charging.

Conductive type wireless charging:-

     In this charging surface of charger and back panel of your phone are electrically conductive.
     You have to attach your phone properly to the charger and works like a wired charger.
So, This is not perfectly wireless charging.

Inductive type wireless charging:-

     This is based on very interesting concept. In this method of charging you can find a coil, Below the surface of your charging pad and you can also find a coil inside the phone.

Coil- When you rotate a flat wire in a circular pattern, making a spiral.

How it works.

     The coil get energy from the socket and when we take another coil near to it, Then due to induction  Coil transfers electrical energy  another coil wirelessly.                           
     You have to put your phone normally on charging pad and it starts transferring energy to your phone.

Is your phone support wireless charging:-

     Yes you can charge any phone wirelessly. You can buy an electric coil(plate) for your phone. Attach it with your phone and fold it in the back side of the phone and you can use a mobile cover to hide it.

So, You can also enjoy wire-less charging in your phone easily.

     Wireless charging is not much energy efficient(Your charging pad don't transfer 100% energy to your phone)
   So, You will see less charging speed.
     At the same time, It is very convenient to use, You don't have to use any cable for charging. Simply place your phone on charging pad and your your phone get charged.


Sunday 16 June 2019

Full Signal - No Calls(Call Drops)?? Explained...


     We all use mobile phones for calling. You had definitely noticed that, While you are on a phone call sometimes your call is disconnected automatically.
Why, This is happen?

     Imagine, If you are in an emergency situation and may be you have to face Call Drop, and you can't re-connect your phone. This can become a big issue for you.     

     In this blog, You come to know everything about Call Droping.
  • Why you face Call Drops?
  • Myths of Call Drop?
  • Signal Strength?

 Why you face Call Drops:-

1. You are getting weak signals.

     (Your house/Work place can be, So far from cell phone tower and radio waves can't reach to you)

Interesting Facts -
     In ideal situations range of any cell phone tower is 45miles (72 km.)
  In real life conditions, You will get signals at its half distance.(because of obstacles, Which are in our surroundings)
Dead Spots:-
     You can find some spots in your house or anywhere, Where signal strength is very weak, in a very small area.

2. Rain can affect your signal strength:-

(Because water present in air can became an obstacle to radio waves)

3. Temperature can affect your signal strength:-

( When temperature is increased, Water vapours present in air decrease, and If we decrease temp. moisture in air increase. And you know water can affect signals)

     In forests, There are alot of moisture is present in air. So, you get very poor signal strength in forests.

4. When your tower is over-crowded:-

     (When many peoples use your tower at same time, Then capacity of tower is overloaded and you can face Call Drops).

Myth about Call Drop:-

     Their is also a myth in peoples mind, that high speed winds (storm) affect their Mobile's signal strength.
     It is not true, Air will not affect your signal strength.

Signal Strength:-

     When you see, On the top(Left or Right) of corner of your Mobile's screen. You find some vertical lines.(1 to 5 )

     Many of peoples think, that these lines shows your signal strength .
   It is not true,  They shows how much you are close to the tower.
   (If you are close to a overcrowded tower, Than their are many chances that your call can be drooped).

     If you really want to know your signal strength.
Go in settings of your Android Phone➡About Phone and then, In Status.
     You will see a number which is between -20 to -120 (Approx.) and its unit is dBm.

     This shows the actual strength of signal at the real time .
     You see it is nearby to 50-60dbm. When this number is close to zero your signal strength is strong and when this number is away from zero your signal strength become weak.

    ⬅PREVIOUS BLOG            NEXT BLOG➡

Friday 14 June 2019

Where are Smart phone Antenna? - Long Anteena VS Short Anteena.

Why You Need, To Read It?

     You have definitely see old mobiles with a large Antenna at the top, and those phones was very big in size and very heavy.
     Now our phones are slim, light weight with amazing features.
  • Is their any Antenna in our phone
     Answer is - YES

     In starting days of mobiles, its components are very big in size. Antenna technology of that time is very simple. So, Antennas of those phones are very big.
And it is impossible, to fix such a big Antenna inside the phones.
     We know, By the time technology shrinks itself.
     Size of mobile phone components is reduced, and Antenna technology is also improved. So, size of  Antennas are also decrease.
And due smaller in size we are able to fix it inside our phone.

Different Antennas Length For Different devices:-

      You can see Antenna's, in those devices which can receive or transmit signals. ( Radio, Routers and phones etc.)
     Length of an Antenna is depends on, of which frequency of signals you want to receive or transmit.
     Length of an Antenna is between 1/2 and 1/4 of wavelength of any frequency.(When we increase frequency, wavelength will decreases)

     We use large Antennas in Radios because they receive low frequency signals. (High wavelength)
     Mobile Antenna's are small in size (6-7 inches). Mobile phone works on high frequency.( Low wavelength)

     Now, you will definitely think that, why don't we see any Antenna in our phone. Generally size of our phones are 4-5 inches,  but size of Antenna is large (6-7 inches).

Where Is Antenna?

      If you have an stylish & slim phone. You will definitely find it ugly, when size of Antenna is larger then your phone.
So, we need to reduce Antenna size.
     Now, a new concept is come, which is Printed Antenna.

Printed Antenna :-

    Printed Antenna's are printed inside the phone with a metal strip in a zig-zag pattern.
    So,  they will take less space with the same length.

     Nokia introduced printed Antenna (1998-99). They implement this Antenna in their phone.

     Now, in modern phones, you can notice some cutouts on the body of the phones.(metallic body phones)

     In this concept your phone's back panel is act as an Antenna,  and all the things work smoothly.

    In upcoming 5G technology, frequency of signals will be increased and wavelength of signals decreases and size of Antenna will also decreases and then, we are able to reduce size of mobile phones.

   Now, you can imagine a stylish, latest phone with an Antenna. It look very ugly and it will be in-convenient to use.
So, by doing some improvements in technology, we don't have to face these big Antenna's .
Printed Antenna's works efficiently and smoothly.